Ethyl Paraben

Inci Name:
Chemical Name:

Ethyl paraben — also called ethylparaben and ethyl-4-hydroxybenzoate — is used in many different industrial processes. It is an odorless, white powder of the paraben class of compounds. Acme-Hardesty ethylparaben offers exceptional purity and quality control, making it suitable for some of the most demanding applications.

Uses & Applications

  • Personal Care
    Antimicrobial commonly used in toothpaste
  • Cosmetics
    Antimicrobial used in mascara, eye liner and eye shadow
  • Applications At-a-Glance
    Acme-Hardesty ethylparaben is prized for its antimicrobial properties. It is most commonly used in the manufacture of personal care products and cosmetics, in which it prevents the buildup of yeast and fungus, extending the shelf life of volatile products. To support these and other applications, Acme-Hardesty ethyl paraben is available in NF-grade classification. Our product is non-irritating and has a low toxicity level. As a result, it can be used in a wide range of commercial products where, in low concentrations, it is an effective preventer of bacteria and fungus.
A woman holding a dropper above a bottle of beauty product

Product Details

NF, Fine Powder

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